I Julie

workshops, performance
2018 – 2019, Reykjavik
Project authors Ivana Indjin, Magdalena Sztandara and Anna Wojtynska
Directing: Ivana Indjin

In our ata (art-theater-anthropology / art-theater-anthropology) sessions, there is a space for a better understanding of ourselves, others next to us, and our surroundings! We are here to support your/our creativity, gain new knowledge, create space for motivation and enjoy joint creativity, and make a performance about you, about us.
Don’t say, “It’s not for me!” Try! Don’t say, “I’m a bad actress!” Because we create a theatre that can be enjoyed and make you happy! Don’t say, “I don’t have the skills to create,” because you don’t need them in our workshops! Don’t say, “It won’t help me,” because every art form has helped and still helps many people, bringing them therapeutic benefits, healing, and supporting them. Don’t say, “I don’t have time for that,” because you need to have time for yourself! Don’t say, “I’m not good enough for this,” because you’re good and you have something no one else has: your unique story!

Project authors Ivana Indjin, Magdalena Sztandara and Anna Wojtynska
Directing: Ivana Indjin
Photo documentation: Magdalena Sztandara
Reykjavik, Iceland, 2018 – 2019